
A signature service designed to fulfil
the most demanding requirements

Our greatest added value is your
peace of mind

eIDAS Regulation

EU Regulation 910/2014 regarding electronic identification and trusted services (eIDAS) has given new impetus to third party services. VIDsigner is viewed as a trusted service in the eIDAS domain, being able produce qualified signatures in appropriate contexts.


VIDsigner facilitates electronic transactions completed between different countries of the EU and the rest of the world.
Our service’s high standards ensure that all signatures produced with VIDsigner are undeniably forms of legal evidence.

Encuentra información más detallada sobre el marco regulatorio en los países de LATAM

- Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica
Panamá - Perú - Ecuador - México
República Dominicana

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VIDsigner, a legal signature service 

The decision to use reliable signature services is never simply based on technological considerations or cost. When we are faced with processes with legal implications, such as that of signing informed consent forms in the healthcare sector, the processing of public records or the creation of employment contracts, a third and very important factor usually comes into play: responsibility.

The use of reliable providers to formalise important legal transactions naturally calls for legal certainty, neutrality assurance and accountability.

1. Legal security, understood as “the certainty of the law” is the assurance that there is a third party present, a specialist in the field who ensures that all procedures consistently comply with legal regulations.

2. Neutrality. In the digital world, the prevention of tampering can only be guaranteed by those who control the environment. It is therefore not advisable that any involved party controls this environment. Regulatory changes (such as the recent European eIDAS regulation) are increasingly leading us to the use of trusted third parties.

3. Responsibility. As well as neutrality and legal certainty, responsibility is also an incredibly valuable characteristic of the service. Accountability is intrinsically linked to the provision of services and it is this that gives it value.

Compliance with international standards


ISO 9001 certification is the international standard for Quality Management Systems. It guarantees that the processes and the appropriate organization for the fulfillment of the services are met.
View certificate

The ISO 27001 certification is an international standard issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and establishes the parameters that must be met for the Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is especially relevant for the handling of confidential data. View certificate

The Hébergeurs de Données de Santé (HDS) certification is required for cloud service providers hosting personal health data, regulated by French law and collected for the provision of preventive, diagnostic and other healthcare services. The HDS regulation was issued by ANS (Agence du Numérique en Santé) which, under the French Ministry of Health, is responsible for promoting e-health solutions in France.

In order to become HDS certified, service providers must implement security and privacy measures that safeguard patients' personal health information. As part of these measures, we employ strong authentication and authorization procedures, robust backup systems, and strong encryption. View certificate

The National Security Scheme (ENS) developed by Royal Decree 311/2022 of May 3 defines the requirements for establishing a security policy in the use of electronic media and thus achieve adequate protection of information and its related systems.

These principles and requirements guarantee the correct level of security that is applicable to both the systems of Public Administrations and their suppliers in the private sector. There are three levels of certification of the ENS: basic, medium and high. The high level gives the maximum security guarantees with respect to the certified systems. More info


Validated ID establishes an Integrated Management System (IMS) based on international standards (ISO 9001:2015 and ISO27001:2022), as expressed in this public policy.

VIDsigner employs international standards in all technological phases. This is of great importance because it guarantees that documents signed with VIDsigner are self-contained and remain valid over time, without having to go to the provider or to the parties that intervened at the time of formulization.

PAdES-LT (Long Term Signature)

PAdES-LT guarantees that once documents have been signed by a person, they remain valid over time and with full independence of the provider.

Go to standards

ISO/IEC 19794-7:2014

This ISO regulation defines the way in which biometric data of a handwritten signature on a digital device must be collected and coded.

Go to standards

VIDsigner Guarantee

Best practices minimise risks
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
VIDsigner offers a 24×7 service, sanctioning themselves should the service drop or become unavailable.
High level of availability
VIDsigner offers high levels of availability. As a result of being based in the cloud, machines are automatically replicated to deal with demand peaks.
As the provider, Validated ID ensures that the signer knows what he / she is signing and that there is not even the smallest concern regarding the tampering of information. We see ourselves as responsible for the processes and involve ourselves in the results. We do not simply install software or sell a machine and leave. Instead, we make ourselves a part of the process from start to finish.
Legal Assistance
Our own legal department will assist our clients with any legal setbacks that may arise. With our training and experience in the field, you can rest assured that we will support you in the most efficient way possible.
Legal reports
We have numerous personal and third party legal opinions shared by generic and sectorial, local and global professionals of renowned prestige. Although this is not a guarantee of success, it is sound documentary evidence which always helps in the case of litigation.
Microsoft Azure
The Azure cloud is considered by many as the best technological service and as such is the undebatable leader when it comes to security and privacy. It was also the first platform to obtain EU approval for data protection and to adopt ISO 27018 regarding the privacy of Cloud systems.

Issuance of digital certificates and qualified seals

We are a Qualified Trust Service Provider at the European and national level , in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation for the issuance of certificates and qualified electronic seals and time stamps.
Issuance of qualified electronic signature certificates

These certificates are issued to natural persons who may be linked to a legal entity and require proof of the identity of the holder in person or by video identification. The certificates issued are integrated into our centralized signature channel and allow for advanced or qualified signatures according to the configuration.

Issuance of qualified electronic seal certificates

Electronic stamps allow legal entities to stamp their documents automatically and thus guarantee their integrity and origin. The qualified electronic seals are integrated with our stamper channel and, like personal certificates, they can produce advanced or qualified seals according to the issuance and storage process.

Issuance of qualified electronic time stamps

Qualified time stamps make it possible to guarantee the date and time a document was signed. VIDsigner incorporates qualified time stamps in a completely transparent and automatic way for the user in all their signatures.

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With you every step of the way 

In the event of a dispute, VIDsigner will accompany the client if required to verify the legal validity of the signature solution. VIDsigner’s legal team not only has more than 15 years’ experience in the field of electronic signatures, but also has specific training in computer security and worldwide certification in I.S.

It is in VIDsigner’s best interests to collaborate in cases of litigation, and, as such, has created its own forensic tool for the comparison of biometric signatures based on the ISO standard that is available to any expert.

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