Public Administration

The perfect solution for face-to-face environments
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Firma digital de VIDsigner para AAPP

Descubre cómo mejorar el nivel de servicio innovando en los trámites administrativos y cómo recoger la firma digital manuscrita del ciudadano de una manera segura, rápida y con validez jurídica, en cumplimiento con la Ley 39/2015.


Public Service Offices

VIDsigner allows citizens to sign at citizen service offices by handwriting on a tablet, just as they would on paper, without the need for knowledge or possession of any electronic means, compatible with other signature methods based on digital certificates and ─ the most important thing─ is capable of instantly generating electronic documents signed directly by the citizen.

The trust of the leader

Electronic management

One of the main challenges facing public administrations is to ensure that the face-to-face procedures carried out by citizens, which will continue to exist, lead to a 100% electronic file.

The administrative "paperless" outside the public service offices is also a great challenge that requires combining the agility of mobile devices with legal security.

Currently, VIDsigner's electronic signatures are also used in administrative inspections, social services and by security agents.

How to become a partner?

Successful integrations - esPublico Gestiona

The integration with esPublico's administrative management platform Gestiona has allowed its users to fully digitize their documents in an easy, simple, intuitive and fast way for both citizens and employees.

The Biometric signature has allowed public entities to adapt paper signatures to a digital environment to comply with the current law and simplify the signature processes while complying with the maximum legal guarantees.  

Discover the integration with esPublico Gestiona.


The trust of the leader

Public administration
Collaborating with partners such as Validated ID and Peakway provides efficiency, security and peace of mind. They stick with you in all processes, providing creative and operational solutions that guarantee the security of the information and the necessary training. The implementation in the Organization of its signature systems has allowed to speed up and digitize the signature processes, as well as the management and conservation of the formalized documents.
Verònica Abadías González. Head of Security, DPO and Compliance Officer.
Barcelona Activa - Ajuntament de Barcelona
Public administration
The main challenge was to incorporate electronic signature systems (tablets) that will reach the entire population, saving paper and time during the processing.
MªCarme Noguer
Organization Coordinator, People and Electronic Administration Manlleu City Council
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