The project launched by Validated ID in collaboration with Factory Matters, about the use of Blockchain in the education sector is now classified in the final of the European competition Blockchers.
Blockchers is one of the most vibrant programs for startups in the blockchain scene, supported with funds from the Horizon 2020 program. The European initiative, guided from Spain by Zabala Innovation Consulting, which formed a consortium together with the Innomine, Alastria network and the Frankfurt Business School Blockchain Center, was created to boost the development of blockchain technology and its application in the real world.
From 70 proposals submitted to the call, only 12 were selected to take part in the immersion phase of the competition, that took place on October 9 and 10 in Budapest. Out of this meet-up, only 8 teams ware moved forward to the implementation; stage of the program, among them the team formed by
Validated ID and Factory Matters that will receive € 30,000 to implement a revolutionary solution in the education sector.
The project presented by Validated ID and Factory Matters it’s a prototype to convert digital educational credentials into verifiable credentials SSI (Self Sovereing Identity) with blockchain. In the first phase, students of the training experiences and courses offered by Factory Matters can store their educational credentials on their mobile devices to always have them available with maximum security. The objective in the second phase is that this system can be used by other educational entities.
Factory Matters startup is the creator of the successful learning methodology based on factories, which encourage student talent and provides solutions to many of the teaching community challenges in the digital age. The method is being scientifically validated by the Loyola University of Andalusia to systematize the impact which it achieves in the improvement of skills and performances by students and teachers in any school and institute.
Regarding the project presented, Lucas Carmona, founder, and CTO of Factory Matters states that
This is one of the most advanced systems in the verification of digital credentials. In Factory Matters, we want to be pioneers in the new digital identity systems that are bursting into society thanks to technologies such as blockchain. For that purpose, we have partnered with Validated ID, an expert company in the development of digital solutions, electronic signature, electronic invoicing and blockchain.
In this new ecosystem of decentralized identities Validated ID confirms that blockchain-based technology will be an essential component to grant more autonomy to the user.
The fact that identity is decentralized implies a great change of the current model, in which the user had very little control over their own unique identity. In the new concept, the citizen is sovereign of his identity and decides on what information he wants to share and with whom, being able to associate countless attributes that different public and private organizations can consume. Blockchain is designed to favor these types of environments and nowadays its use is essential.
- Iván Basart, CTO of Validated ID.