
Start4big, the first European multi-sector open innovation initiative promoted by Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Naturgy, SEAT, and Telefónica.


Key Project Drivers

Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Validated ID

The Project

Interoperable decentralized identity pilot project  

Start4big, the first European multi-sector open innovation initiative promoted by Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Naturgy, SEAT, and Telefónica. 192 proposals were submitted, and Validated ID was among the 6 winners.

CaixaBank issues an account ownership credential used to proceed with the direct debit of the invoices of Aigües de Barcelona. Aigües de Barcelona gives a payment approval credential to obtain a better score when requesting a loan from CaixaBank. These are the two use cases tested during the pilot project.

The pilot phase has helped build an identity solution that enables the identification of a customer and the exchange of secure information between two companies. Interoperability between blockchain networks and sovereign digital identity standards has been successfully tested.


  • It helps companies and users take control of their digital identity  
  • Optimizes the direct debit of bills in Aigües de Barcelona  
  • Improves the risk scoring of a potential new CaixaBank customer  
  • Facilitate secure user access to online services
  • Enables the identification of customers  
  • Exchanges secure information between companies  
  • Identifies solutions that generate a positive impact on society
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