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VIDcredentials Studio: The Game Changer for Credential Issuers
We are happy to announce the release of VIDcredentials Studio, a new component of the VIDidentity (previously VIDchain) family of products for registering and issuing corporate credentials.This solution comes from our experience as pioneers in SSI combined with our knowledge as Qualified Trust Service Providers (QTSPs) inmanaging the entire lifecycle of user credentials: issuance, verification, monitoring, revocation, traceability, and auditing.
This web-based application is EBSI-compliant, ledger-agnostic, and supports Open APIs. It has been developed to facilitate issuing Verifiable Credentials (VC). Through a simple fill-up form, VC issuers can:
- Select the type of SSI credential they need.
- Fill in the data required to create the issuance request.
- Include the communication channel with the credential's recipient-holder or owner -.
- Include the authentication method required for the identification.
Why is VIDcredentials Studio different?
This advanced SSI platform works as a Registration Authority portal for issuing Verifiable Credentials and Attestations of attributes. It implements the W3C Verifiable Credential standard to make them cryptographically secure, privacy-respecting, and machine verifiable.
VIDcredentials has been designed by Validated ID, a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) in Europe and a pioneer and advocate of this new technology. Validated ID was, in fact, the first provider that became EBSI compliant and built a trusted environment for Verifiable Credentials among public and private organizations in Europe.
Credential Management
VIDcredentials Studio allows companies to efficiently manage credentials that provide access to company data, services, systems, networks, and assets in the cloud. These credentials are role-based and linked to any attribute that demonstrates a condition, such as a citizen, consumer, client, employee, student, titleholder, insured, patient, adult, large family, etc.

User Management
VIDcredentials Studio has a role-based administration model which defines and manages hierarchy-wide security access. Admin users can create operators who can issue credentials and these operatiors can be found in the User Management tab.

VIDcredentials Studio has a role-based administration model which defines and manages hierarchy-wide security access. Admin users can create operators who can issue credentials, and these operators can be found in the User Management tab.
Users of VIDcredentials Studio can easily understand and navigate through the application efficiently, meaning that they know precisely which credential they are looking at a glance. The user-friendly dashboard allows users to manage the entire cycle of credentials instantly: provision, manage, revoke, audit, and secure credentials linked to digital identities and attributes stored on VIDwallet.
The lifecycle of credentials and presentations in the VIDcredentials Ecosystem takes this path:
- Issuance of one or more verifiable credentials.
- Storage of verifiable credentials in a credential repository (such as a digital wallet).
- Composition of verifiable credentials into a verifiable presentation for verifiers.
- Verification of the verifiable presentation by the verifier.
- Revocation of verifiable credentials
Audit Trails
VIDcredentials Studio Audit Trail tracks the history of changes, determines when a particular event occurred, knows what was performed by a specific user action, and more. Such information is beneficial as far as running an organization is concerned.

VIDcredentials Studio has been designed to cover business needs in three scenarios:
SSI Adoption Projects and Prototypes: to explore pilot projects on SSI and conduct proofs of concept (POC) for its implementation without needing API integrations.
Offices that Issue Credentials and Electronic Attestations of Attributes: For formal credential issuance processes with defined credential requirements.
Credential issuance through API integration: to view and manage issued credentials from external applications or software.
Types of issued credentials supported
VIDcredentials Studio can issue and customize any credential: work credentials, professional licenses, attribute-based access control (ABAC) credentials, Identity and Access Management credentials (IAM), sports credentials, event credentials, memberships in professional associations, etc. On the other hand, it can be integrated to support almost any blockchain infrastructure like EBSI, Alastria, and Ethereum, among others.
Our team will guide you in designing and implementing the type of credentials, the issuance method, and the authentication process that best suits your needs.
VIDcredentials Studio can be easily integrated with any product built with VIDidentity, which are also aligned with W3C and DIF standards:
- VIDwallet: SSI multi-ledger digital card holder and the first to pass the EBSI compliance test. 🏆 It was the wallet of choice for other issuance manufacturers to manage their credentials.
- VIDconnect: OpenID Connect (OIDC) module makes it easier for apps and online portals to request, verify and authenticate credentials.
- VIDcredentials: a module to manage credentials that can be integrated to support almost any blockchain infrastructure like EBSI, Alastria, and Ethereum, among others, and related services by providing a public API. It interacts with external parties such as the credential issuer, VIDwallet, and VIDconnect.
- VIDsigner: multichannel and Advanced Electronic Signature (AES), which combines cryptography and biometrics to offer a secure way to sign documents and contracts with full legal validity electronically.
- EIDAS Bridge: inherits the eIDAS legal and trust framework and further enables the signing and verifying of verifiable credentials using qualified certificates.
Self-sovereign identity technology for organizations of all sizes
To offer an advanced SSI-based platform that quickly verifies and manages digital credentials while embracing privacy is a challenging task; it requires a lot of work, years of preparation, and a talented young team with experience in this very new and cutting-edge sector.
At Validated ID, we can help you embark on the Self-sovereign identity (SSI) world by adopting Decentralized and Self-Managed Identity, Verifiable Credentials, and Digital Attribute Attestations. Our team will help you with the roadmap to design and build the type of credentials, the issuance method, and the authentication process you need. Contact Us.