GRUPPISO is a real estate agency with more than 20 years of experience in the sale and rental of all types of properties (flats, business premises, parking spaces, etc.). Since its creation, its goal has been to offer 100% satisfaction to all its clients and to grow in its range of services, with the possibility of making remote presentations of properties directly on the buyer's smartphone and offering other services such as legal and tax advice or advice on wills, inheritances, signatures in notaries' offices or negotiations with banks.
Enabling the signing of contracts without travelling

GRUPPISO was looking for an alternative to signing purchase or rental contracts in person. With the traditional method of signing on paper, the client had to travel physically to sign the required documentation. This slowed down the closing of deals and made it very difficult to follow up on ongoing transactions. With other e-signature solutions, the real estate company also did not feel that they were 100% adapted to its needs.
The company wanted to digitise and makeits processes more functional for both employees and customers, but could not find the right supplier.
After testing several solutions, GRUPPISO realised that it needed a reliable solution and above all one that was tailored to its processes, requiring little learning curve so that its employees could take advantage of the benefits immediately.
The need for a process of digital agreement and trust
The RICsigner platform and its integration with Validated ID electronic signatures allows customers to sign securely and quickly by their own means using their mobile phone or at GRUPPISO's offices with an approved tablet.
Since implementing RICsigner, GRUPPISO has seen considerable time and cost savings according to CEO Pedro García. "Above all, the integration with our work system gives us an added value with the tools and functionalities we use. The support-development and training team is of a high human quality and provides solutions practically on the spot".
The company manages the signing of some 600 contracts per year, including purchase and sale contracts, earnest money contracts, insurance policies and other related documents.
With VIDsigner electronic signatures, GRUPPISO keeps up with the speed of business.

Before RICsigner, GRUPPISO needed to set up face-to-face meetings with customers, which was a tedious process that could take weeks. Now with RICsigner and its integration with Validated ID's electronic signatures, 99% of the documentation is digitally signed. With the added facility of being able to integrate natively with multiple CRMs in the real estate industry, as RICsigner's Software Division Director points out. "As we are already inte-grated with multiple ERPs, CRMs, and ECMs in the market, the implementation period and learning curve is very short and there is no resistance to change."