The collaboration between GOLIVE and Validated ID has been essential in promoting the digitization and signing of documents in the Vichy Catalan commercial network, thus marking a significant milestone in its business trajectory.

Vichy Catalan: 140 years of history being a leader in innovation and sustainability

Vichy Catalan Corporation is a business group made up of three important companies: Premium Mix Group, Aquablue and the Vichy Catalan Hotel-Spa. Its origin is in Barcelona,​​ where it began as a mineral water company more than 140 years ago. Currently, it has a presence in 48 countries and is the leader in the Spanish market in the beverage sector, especially for its natural sparkling water. Its main business focuses on producing and distributing high-quality products, including mineral waters, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Vichy Catalan's business success is due to its ability to innovate and develop new products, as well as its close relationship with consumers, researching the benefits of water and adapting to new trends.

The Challenge: Getting rid of manual processes for signing and managing documents

Vichy Catalan was facing various operational obstacles and required implementing a significant cultural change to digitalize the company and continue increasing its commitment to sustainability.

The Catalan company used to handle document signing and management manually, leading to a slow information flow. Emailing, printing, and signing documents was time-consuming and resource-intensive. Additionally, the process lacked traceability and security, posing risks of errors and information loss. This inefficiency not only hindered internal operations but also impacted the customer experience, causing potential delays in addressing requests and orders.

Vichy Catalan needed a solution that would streamline document management, increase security and improve the efficiency of its commercial operations, allowing the digital signature of those documents that required it.

Solution: VIDsigner electronic signatures integrated with Gladtolink

Considering the demands of Vichy Catalan in detail, GOLIVE presented its client with a quick and comprehensive solution that integrates no-code technology and multichannel electronic signatures.
The solution implemented at Vichy Catalan integrates two key components. On one hand, Gladtolink, an advanced no-code technology software that provides capabilities such as the creation and digital storage of documents, facilitating quick and easy consultations. On the other hand, the multichannel electronic signature solution VIDsigner, provided by the Qualified Trust Service Provider, Validated ID.

Vichy Catalan opted for this solution due to a series of fundamental reasons. Validated ID's offering provided a complete security and traceability solution, which was crucial to the company's needs. Its technology ensures the integrity of signatures and offers an unparalleled level of trust and efficiency. In addition, its digital signatures ensure the authenticity of documents and significantly accelerate the signing processes, thus contributing to the general improvement of document management.

On the other hand, VIDsigner was already integrated with the Gladtolink document digitization platform proposed by GOLIVE. This integration significantly simplified the digitization of the process, while having Validated ID integrated into the document manager boosted the agility of the project, adding additional value to the decision to choose this solution.

Thanks to the solution proposed by GOLIVE and Validated ID, we have managed to successfully digitize our commercial network. The digital signature is streamlining the creation and instant signing of contracts, generating orders in real time in our ERP JD Edwards. And we have achieved a significant increase in signed contracts compared to the previous year, improving the efficiency ofthe entire company.

Benito Cerrillo, IT Director, Vichy Catalán.

Use cases for VIDsigner electronic signatures in Vichy Catalan

Currently, Vichy Catalan uses two types of signature for commercial management:

  • Biometric Signature: From the client's location, the commercial agent collects all the data necessary to draw up a contract and captures the client's signature at the time. Subsequently, the client sends the signed document.
  • Remote Signature: The commercial team manages the contract through the no-code platform and sends it to the client to provide their tax data. Thanks to the fact that the client directly enters the data into the document management platform, the contract is automatically generated and sent to the remote signing channel to obtain the client's digital signature.

Digitalizing documents involves more than simply uploading a PDF file for its digital signature. It involves the digital creation of the document automatically, facilitating its sending for the client's signature.

Tangible results and benefits generated

  • +39% documents signed with VIDsigner in 2023 vs. last year.
  • 15/1 minutes to transfer the ERP information. Currently, digital data is automatically integrated once the contract is signed.
  • 2/0 minutes to file the documentation, in addition, the documents are filed automatically.

The implementation of the VIDsigner digital signature solution integrated into Gladtolink has provided Vichy Catalan with a series of benefits, allowing the collection and exploitation of information to obtain important conclusions:

  • Greater control and traceability of documents.
  • Instant access to documents from any location or by any user who needs to access the information.
  • Obtaining data on documents signed by specific users, delegations, or signature types used.
  • Analysis of signature collection times from clients.

Saving the signed document and evidence of the signature unlimitedly provided invaluable security. With detailed support that includes the signature itself, the date and time of the signature, the opening of the signature email and the IP address, trust in the signature provider is strengthened and the integrity of digital documents is guaranteed.

Digitization and digital signature have not only improved Vichy Catalan operational efficiency but have also contributed to its commitment to sustainability. The reduction of paper use and the optimization of processes have positioned the company as an example of responsible innovation in its sector.

Magdalena Anna
CMO Validated ID